Thursday, March 19, 2009

Movin' blogs

Well, we have made a big exciting change!

We have purchased a 5th wheel trailer and are in the process of selling our house, selling our van, buying a truck, and taking off on a two year adventure traveling to see the country and visit friends and family along the way.

Since I highly doubt I'll be able to keep up with two blogs, this one will be updated only sporadically. If you want the real scoop, head over to That's where the details will be! I'm going to do my very best to become a daily blogger now that our life feels blogworthy again. :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Plans? Who needs them!

It seems like every time we make long term plans, something changes.

We planned to live in St. Louis for 5 years so Jeremy could get a PhD, but after a year we moved to Thailand instead.

Coming back from Thailand, we planned to move to the Chicago area as soon as Ian was born, but we actually settled in Jacksonville.

We planned to stay in Jacksonville until Ian was ready to go to kindergarten, but now we're selling our house.

We intended to move straight to Cleveland, but now we're talking about traveling for the next few years instead.

I guess we're just not very good at following through, huh? At any rate, we've had a lot of adventures along the way and we're looking forward to more!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Today was a good day at Walgreens!

It took 8 transactions, and a lot of time with a calculator, but in the end here was my total:

4 4oz tubes of toothpaste (with 4 free trial sizes!)
4 6oz tubes of toothpaste
4 bottles of eye drops
1 tube of Carmex lip stuff
1 bottle pepto-bismol
1 gallon milk
6 book covers
1 can potato chips
8 bars of soap
4 bottles of lotion

Total with tax $16.57
Register rewards left over $23.50

So they paid me $9 to take all that stuff, even with the milk & potato chips! Woohoo!