Thursday, October 16, 2008

The sweetest moments

Tonight Jeremy was playing with Ian, tossing him on the couch and blowing raspberries on his tummy while we were filling the bathtub. I had Rinnah, who has been unusually grumpy all day from teething. But every time Jeremy swung Ian around or blew on his tummy, Rinnah just burst out laughing, big old belly laughs. Ian of course was having a ball too. It was so much fun to have the living room full of laughter. What a great way to end the day!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Back to normal

Jeremy's been back for a few days now and I'm finally feeling like we're back on a normal schedule. We had a nice weekend-got a few things done around the house, and even made a trip to Springfield and Rinnah only screamed for about 60% of the driving.

Our next major goal around here is working on potty training. Everybody seems to have a different idea about what the best or easiest way is and everybody is convinced that their way is far superior. We'll probably just try a few ideas and see if we make any progress.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Quick stop at Walgreens

Made a quick stop in Walgreens on my way to get Ian's haircut.

3 bottles of Visine -$.63
6 acne skin cleansers $.49
7 pairs of socks for Rinnah $3 clearance
(they won't let me leave with a negative balance anymore)
Total with tax $3.60 (tax was $.74)

So we got Ian's haircut-I'm quite proud of that! Yes, we were a little late and showed up just after 5pm, but it's a friend from church and he was kind enough to stay and cut Ian's hair anyway. Then off to Mom's for dinner (yea! no cooking while alone with two kids) and then Mom followed me home to be my reinforcements for bedtime. That helped a LOT. I think things went more smoothly tonight. Hopefully they'll both sleep better than last night.

Only 2.5 more nights until Jeremy's back.

Walmart freebies

Before Jeremy left, we made a trip to Walmart sans kiddos to get him a new belt. (Kinda sad what date nights have become!) I used up a couple coupons there too:

4 Post-it flags
1 John Frieda Frizz-ease mousse trial size
4 Gold Bond medicated powder trial size
4 packs of Kotex pads
2 jars of relish

Total: -$.20
So it was cheaper to take that stuff than not, even with tax. :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

On my own

Jeremy headed out to New Jersey today for a class, so I'm on my own with both kiddos until late late Wednesday night. Yikes. We're not off to a great start-I went to the church business meeting tonight to find out what's happening since the sewer backup flood and put in my two cents (well, four cents since I was representing Jeremy too) and that went waaaaaay late. We didn't get home until a few minutes after 8, a whole hour late. Poor Ian was starving and tired and so confused about why daddy wasn't coming home from church with us-I guess we'd been there so long (3 hours+) that he forgot Jeremy hadn't been there when we arrived. I got home and both kiddos were screaming as I tried to simultaneously nurse Rinnah, make Ian's dinner & help him eat, get Ian's bath running, get diapers & pj's ready for both kids, and get Rinnah changed. I was quite pleased when Ian was in bed and Rinnah was asleep in her cradle after only about 40 minutes. But Ian isn't going to sleep yet-it's always hard when the routine is off, and starting late didn't help-so I'm sitting in his room waiting for him to fall asleep. Hopefully the rest of the week goes a little more smoothly.