Thursday, December 18, 2008

Potty training

Well, here goes nothing.

I was all set to start yesterday. I've been making some freezer meals, we did the big trip to pick out underwear, and made sure all his pants are clean and ready to go.

But then Ian started coming down with a cold, and was up sniffling and hacking until 1am, then I was up with Rinnah at 5:45 to feed her and she never did go back to sleep. And then Ian woke up uber cranky. I tried to do the "You're a big kid now!" thing anyway. I took him to the potty and was all excited for him, but he said "no" and ran away. On 4 hours of sleep, I didn't have the patience or energy to fight him, so I gave up.

We tried again this morning, and thus far it's gone better. He likes the underwear and is wearing them proudly. We're setting a timer and he's sitting on the potty every 20 minutes. So far, nothing has happened on the potty, just one accident on the floor in the living room right after a potty stop. Hopefully this afternoon will get us off to a better start. I really think that if he could just go on the potty once and get the concept, we'd be well on our way.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Haa! I'm right behind you Kim. I've been planning to start with Lilah next week when the big kids are home on winter break (less running around away from home). Can't wait to see how it goes for both of us!