Tuesday, September 16, 2008

93 bottles of Robitussin on the wall, 93 bottles....

Ever wonder what 93 bottles of Robitussin would look like?

From Robitussin

From Robitussin

From Robitussin

We made a sweep of the Walgreens in Springfield on Saturday morning. Final total:

-90 bottles of Robitussin
-3 boxes of Kleenex
-5 bags of Robitussin cough drops
-25 votive candles
-toy ball for Ian
-toy boat for Ian
-6 packets of seeds
-2 Dove chocolate bars
-$300 in Shell gas cards
-countless funny looks from cashiers

All for $99.99, of which $50 was covered with prepaid visas from a previous Walgreens deal. And if I can come up with 5 addresses, I can even get $10 back in Robitussin rebates!

We'll be keeping a few bottles, giving a few bottles to family & friends, and donating the bulk to an orphanage in Romania.

A big thank you to Walgreens and Wyeth for teaming up to pay for gas for our car for the next few months!

1 comment:

Donna's chitchat said...

what a fun project, and great results. Imagine how grateful the orphanages in Romania will feel when they get a shipment of much need cold medication. I just came across your blog by accident, but I would love to know how all that came about. I am from Canada, and we don't have Walgreens, but it sounds kind of fun what you did. I read a few entries back where they asked you not to come back.. imagine! My mom used to line up us kids in the check outs when cans of mushrooms went on sale. All you had to do to my mom was tell her she was "limited" on how many things she could buy and she would find any way for her to get more than the limit of anything!
Donna Peters