Saturday, September 27, 2008

Day 1-Shedd Aquarium

The trip up here was better than we expected. Not as good as we had hoped, but better than we expected. Rinnah made it almost 60 miles on the highway either happy or sleeping, which was great. Then she had a meltdown, and it was 10 more miles before there was an exit, so she was pretty hysterical by then. After 25 minutes or so, we got her calmed down and fed and we were back on the road. That lasted for another half hour-ish, when we had to stop again. We did diapers for everyone and hit the road again. And both kids dozed for the most part. Some fussing from both, but no more all-out hysterics. Things were going great until the last 4 miles of the trip, when there was construction taking the expressway down to one lane. So the last 4 miles took 40 minutes. We arrived at the hotel close to midnight, and had everyone asleep by about 12:30.

This morning we headed out to the Shedd Aquarium. Ian had a lot of fun. "ish!" he kept saying ("fish"). Just like his daddy, he found the buttons and touchscreens more interesting than the actual fish. There was also a play area where kids could climb in a tent, pretend to cook, sit in a boat, play with stuffed fish & raccoons-he really enjoyed that.

The drives today were a little rougher, but we survived.

We also visited my grandma. She's in a rehab center (not THAT kind) since she was in the hospital last week and the doctor wanted to be sure she was strong enough to go home. She's feeling pretty sick right now, but she was excited to see Rinnah for the first time. We visited with her for a little while this evening after the kids had a short nap.

Ian looking at the fish
From Shedd Aquarium

Riding the turtle
From Shedd Aquarium

Playing raccoons with Daddy
From Shedd Aquarium

He's eating me!
From Shedd Aquarium

Cookin' up something good
From Shedd Aquarium

Almost ready!
From Shedd Aquarium

Let me taste it...
From Shedd Aquarium

Paddling the boat
From Shedd Aquarium

Mom, can I keep 'em?
From Shedd Aquarium

Just like his daddy
From Shedd Aquarium

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