Tuesday, September 2, 2008


We had an awesome weekend with Laura. Didn't go anywhere terribly exciting, but we had a nice time catching up, sharing pictures, and playing with Ian. It was wonderful to have a visitor since it seems like it's gotten so difficult to leave the house for more than a five minute drive.

Things have been pretty busy getting ready for the benefit concert. My brother Michael had the idea to do an outdoor concert to raise money for leukemia research in honor of our dad, and we're also doing a silent auction. Mom has taken things on with her usual obsessive gusto, so she's been eating, sleeping, and breathing concert & auction prep for the last few weeks. I wish I could have been more help, but running all over town to talk to businesses about donations was just not in the cards for me with two kids in tow. And the things I have offered to help with she has wanted to stay in charge of. Oh well, I tried. Hopefully the benefit will go well.

We did order carpet today. We're going to fix up our office/guest room as Rinnah's room, and while we're at it we're recarpeting the playroom. Between getting lousy service and discovering that Lowe's would be cheaper, I managed to haggle several hundred dollars off our total at Home Depot. And of course I had a coupon. ;) So the end total wound up being almost $500 less than they originally were quoting us. Very exciting. We should be getting the carpet installed in a few weeks.

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