Monday, September 8, 2008


Ian had his first speech therapy appointment today. Right now, she's just playing with toys with him trying to get a feel for where he's at and build some trust with him. He had a blast today, especially with the bubbles. He kept signing "more, please" so she'd do them again. :)

We're working on Rinnah's room right now. We got carpet ordered. That was a fiasco, but it's done and we ended up with a good deal in the end. Now we're getting the room cleared out so we can start painting. The carpet should be in next week, so we don't have much time!

And Ian's birthday party is this weekend! It's so hard to believe he'll be two already. On Saturday we invited over all the little kids from church and their families. We're going to have a cookout and play some games in the yard. It should be a fun time.

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