Monday, August 11, 2008

Can you please do that every day?

Today was such an easy day. Rinnah napped, in her cradle no less, for 45 minutes this morning and 4 hours this afternoon. 4 hours! I actually woke her up when we were eating dinner so she could eat and have some awake time this evening. Crazy! But I got SO much done when it was like I only had one child again. It's funny-she seems so easy by herself, and Ian's not too bad when it's just him. But with them together, it's such a challenge to get any chores done because I have to stop Ian from hurting her in the process of loving on her. He's a sweetheart, but he's not even 2. And if he's not poking her, then he's creating some other mess for me. Sometimes I think I come out ahead by just keeping him from making any new disasters, even if I don't make improvements in any of the existing ones.

1 comment:

kuribod said...

hey! glad to see that you are blogging again! we're enjoying the olympics via tv here in china.