Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Zoo!

No, not our house. :)

Today we went to Springfield. I snagged an awesome deal on an extension ladder last week. Unfortunately, we couldn't fit both the ladder and passengers in our car, so we had to wait until we could borrow a van.

So this morning we packed up the kids bright and early, and actually were leaving the house by 8:20am. (The goal was 8am.) I was impressed! We stopped by Lowe's and got the ladder (which took way longer than it should have. Apparently "Rob" is easily distracted.) and then headed to the zoo for a breastfeeding support walk. It was pretty fun-my babywearers group was there, and there were lots of little giveaways like a book for Ian and a nifty bandaid dispenser. Ian's favorite part was feeding the ducks, followed closely by the playground. I did get this pic which I really love-Jeremy's wearing a ring sling with Rinnah in it. I just played with some simple effects with one hand; I'm hoping to tweak it in Photoshop when I have some free time (ha ha).

After the walk we picked up some pictures we had taken a few weeks ago. That was exciting! We have some really cute kids! And they even behaved in the car for the ride home-Rinnah slept and Ian didn't, just what we wanted to not disrupt naptime. It was a good day out. Days like today encourage me that we might not have to stay in the house until all the kids are in gradeschool. :)

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