Tuesday, August 19, 2008

For a good part of yesterday, the soundtrack to my life was the sound of a 23 month old screaming his way through a temper tantrum.

We're at that age, I guess. And getting a new little sister kind of exacerbated it. He's sweet to her, but everything else in his life is a little more dramatic now.

All morning I was trying to leave the house. We actually left at 10:40, and wouldn't have left then if it wasn't for the fact that mom needed my help with something. When she called back to say she was ready to go, Ian was laying on the floor screaming because I wouldn't give him a cookie, Rinnah was screaming because her tummy was upset, and I had spitup all over my shirt.

We're debating going to Chicago in October to do the science museum and Wheaton's Homecoming. Oh, it would be a long trip and we get tired thinking about it. But on days like today, I figure, if they're going to be crying anyway, why not be on the way to something fun and different? We'll have to see if we're brave enough to go for a few days without naptime though.

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