Monday, August 4, 2008

New Beginnings

Yesterday was Jeremy's birthday. We would have loved to go to Springfield and eat out kid-free, but that's really not an option with a one-month-old. So we went to church, then had lunch at Mom Fox's house. Next came naptime (yea!) and choir practice, then we had a nice dinner of homemade hamburgers. Today we're going to Springfield with my mom, my brothers, and both kids in tow. Should be fun. Hopefully we make it home before any bedtime meltdowns.

Yesterday was also the first day of our new associate pastor/music minister/Sunday school teacher at church. Honestly, I'm excited. Our former music minister has a great opportunity at a bigger church, and our church has a chance at a fresh start. Jeremy and I have been so disappointed that even after attending faithfully for over two years, we don't feel close to anyone in the church. I think our Sunday school class has had about two activities during that time. It's hard to get to know anyone by just sitting next to them for 20 minutes a week. We were certainly willing to help get things going, and tried several times, but we're still pretty new parents and learning how to juggle all of that. We don't have the time or energy to be in charge of everything. The new teacher is very much a people person though so we're hopeful that with some quasi-regular activities we'll be able to connect with people better and really feel like a part of something at the church.

While I'm sitting here typing this, Ian has been trying to share his pancakes and cereal with Rinnah. Such a sweetie! He looks so disappointed when she doesn't just grab the pancake from his hand and chow down. I have a suspicion she will be trying solids before 6 months old, whether I like it or not, thanks to her partner in crime.

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